Mixed Millet Sprays
Mixed Millet Sprays
from $9.99
These Mixed Millet Sprays come in two sizes, 50g and 200g. They are a quality mix of Panorama and French White Millet sprays. You can find Millet holders here
Panorama Millet Sprays
Panorama Millet Sprays
from $9.99
A quality mix of Panorama millet sprays. You can find Millet holders here.
Sold out
Trill Millet Sprays 150g
Trill Millet Sprays 150g
Birds will love these clusters of plump seeds, presented as they would find them in their natural habitat. They are suitable for use in cages and aviaries each day as a supplement to normal seed. TRILL™ have chosen only the best panorama millet sprays and presented them in their natural form. Birds really delight in picking the seeds off the stems, making them a special addition to their normal diet.
JW Millet Holder
JW Millet Holder
The JW Millet Holder is a simple plastic hanging millet holder making it easy to clean. Suitable for small birds such as Budgies, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, and Conures. Colours are picked randomly.
Avian Care Millet Spray Holder Avian Care Millet Spray Holder
Avian Care Millet Spray Holder
Simple plastic hanging millet holder. Suitable for small birds. Colours are picked randomly.
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